Abandon the high-yield inertial farming method, and put the tea garden in the wild. In order to comply with the ecological balance and maintain the diversity of vegetation. The yield is sparse, and it is spring tea that can only be picked once a year. The tea is strong in quality, rich in taste.


60g × 1 TWD 2600

60g × 2 TWD 4800

60g × 4 TWD 8800

60g × 8 TWD 16800




Preservation Tips:

Put in a shade and dry place could be stored for decades.

But the flavor changed every couple months.

If you prefer the flavor now, please enjoy it in half year.




Brewing Tips:

※Mug: use about 6 grams of tea each time. Warm up the mug, and pure boiling water about 350 ml, then put the tea leaves in. Brew it for two and half minutes. The second time please brew it for 5 minutes.


※Brew by teapot:use about 6 grams of tea each time. And use a 200 ml teapot. Warm up the the pot and put in tea leaves. Then purring boiling water.

The first brew is about 40-50 seconds. The second brew is 10 seconds, and 5-10 seconds more each time.

Keeping use the tea leaves until it's tasted less. The same tea leaves usually could be used over 5 times.






沖泡方式 Brewing Instraction







